OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2013. Professionals of JSC TATNEFT participated in the IVth All-Russian Congress on environmental management, which was held at the "Crocus City Hall" International Exhibition Centre in Moscow.

This important event in the field of ecology is held in Russia once each decade – the IIIrd All-Russian Environmental Management Congress was held in November 2003.

The All-Russian Congress brought together more than two thousand persons from 83 regions of Russia. This ecological forum could rightfully be called as the international one, since it was attended by about 1,000 guests, including the ones from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, USA, etc.

The Republic of Tatarstan was represented by 52 delegates nominated by the territorial conference to attend the Congress. The mentioned group of persons included employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rosprirodnadzor of the  Republic of Tatarstan, Forestry Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Public Chamber, managers and environmentalists of the industrial complex enterprises,  implementing the best available technologies, representatives of municipalities, public environmental movement activists, representatives of science and education as well as environmental authorities. The representatives of TATNEFT Company were also among the conference delegates.

 A large number of the delegates from Tatarstan is a convincing proof of a significant contribution that Republic makes into the protection and preservation of the environment in its territory and in Russia as a whole. JSC TATNEFT, as the largest oil producing company of the Republic of Tatarstan, pays great attention to environmental protection in the territory of the Company’s activities.

The top environmental rating of the Company has been repeatedly confirmed at the All-Russian level by becoming the winner of prestigious environmental contests of the country, such as "100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management" and "Environmentalist of the Year".

At present the Joint-Stock Company is operating the environmental program designed through 2015. Currently a decision has been made to undertake the steps in 2014 - 2015 for development of a new environmental program for the period after 2015. A working group has been set up, highest priority areas are being defined to be included in the next environmental program.

This Congress became the largest environmental issues discussion platform for the professional environmental community. The participants of the Congress shared the latest developments in the area of environmental protection, discussed common problems arising in the operating activities, as well as initiated business proposals aimed at improving the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

During three days of the forum, the delegates participated in more than twenty round tables, discussions and presentation sessions. Such conferences as "Current state of the environmental activities: what has changed for 10 years", "Environmental aspects of the regional policy" were held in the frame of the Congress, and the All-Russian "Alley of Russia" action was announced, which will result in planting the avenue of 83 plants,   openly voted as symbols of each of the 83 constituents of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the Congress a resolution was adopted to consolidate the positions and best practices of the largest environmental experts, scientists of related areas, businessmen, public activists and politicians.