OREANDA-NEWS. March 21, 2014. The economic aspect of the Kazakh - Chinese relations will be strengthened, Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov said talking to the Chinese academics in Beijing.

Kazakh FM said that Kazakhstan has recently adopted a new foreign policy concept until 2020. A long-term political course - Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" has become the prerequisites to update this document.

"Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" pursues an aim to have our country entered the group of 30 developed countries and the development of all aspects of life in Kazakhstan. This corresponds to the goals and tasks of China for 2049," E. Idrissov said.

"Kazakhstan plans to enlist the help of foreign experts to ensure development of necessary infrastructure to make a transition to "green economy" based on high ecological and energy saving standards," he stressed.

The Kazakhstani diplomat added that holding of the International exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana is expected to become an important element of achieving the goals of "green economy".
The Kazakh side is also ready to discuss possible ways of implementation of a large-scale project - the economic belt of the Silk Road that is set to embrace such aspects of cooperation as economy, trade, investments, and culture and is hoped to bring the interregional interaction to a brand new level.

We would remind you that Kazakhstan and China established diplomatic relations 22 years ago. Sales turnover between the two countries reached \\$28.5 billion in 2013.