OREANDA-NEWS. April 16, 2014. This was said by Director of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technologies Grigore Varanita as he introduced the ANRE report on the evolution of the electronic communications market in 2013.

As he said, 52% or MDL 3.5 billion of the total sales volume were provided by the sales of mobile telephony services although 2013 saw the slight growth of 0.2% on this market.

The structure of the total sales volume included incomes from the sale of fixed telephony amounting to 16.8% (MDL 1 billion 114.7 million); incomes from the sale of the fixed internet access and data transmission making 13.25% (MDL 880.1 million); incomes from the transmission and retransmission of audiovisual programs at an amount of 5.31% (MDL 352.8 million); incomes from the sale of the devoted mobile internet access amounting to 3.91% (MDL 259.7 million) and incomes from other activities on this market making 8.19% (MDL 544 million).