OREANDA-NEWS. Belarus is not conducting negotiations about re-establishing a potash trade alliance with Russia's Uralkali, a source in the Belarusian government told.

“There are no talks in progress regarding any sort of cooperation with Uralkali: we have received no instructions,” the official said.

In his words, Belarus is happy with the performance of OAO Belaruskali (Soligorsk, Minsk Region), potash exports are rising and so are potash prices, but not so fast as one would wish.

As previously reported, on April 18 Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko received new Uralkali co-owner Dmitry Mazepin to discuss the prospects of future cooperation. According to Lukashenko, Belarus would be ready to re-establish a potash trade alliance, but is totally opposed to creating foreign-based joint ventures and will insist that the joint headquarters be located in Minsk, not in Moscow.