OREANDA-NEWS. August 28, 2014. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted a working meeting with Vice Premiers, heads of core ministries and departments. The meeting agenda focused on the complex development of regions, and further improvement of the transport and communication infrastructure in Turkmenistan.

Vice Premier, Executive Secretary of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Sh. Durdylyev reported on the progress in implementing the National Programme of the Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2011-2030, and the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the Social and Economic Development of the country in 2012-2016, as well as elaboration of prospective action plans within the framework of the National Programme on improvement of villages.

Vice Premier S. Satlykov reported on fulfillment of our country’s obligations on construction of the Turkmen section of the Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran railway.

The Vice Premier also informed the Turkmen leader on the progress in drafting the project of the Ashgabat - Turkmenbashi highway that would play an important role in enhancing the transit potential of our country.

Vice Premier M. Artykov, who is in charge of the spheres of construction and energy, reported on the progress of construction works in regions, and implementation of the National Programme for improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns in etraps and etrap centres for the period till 2020

The Vice Premier also reported on the work done to ensure the uninterrupted supply of power energy to all spheres of the national economy, and population, including settlements, as well as the progress of construction of new power plants, introduction of the most advanced technologies, and training of high-qualified specialists for the industry.

Vice Premier A. Gochyev reported on the existing situation in the financial and banking sphere, the plan on construction of various facilities, and its financing. The Vice Premier informed the Turkmen leader on the events scheduled within the next stage of implementation of the National Programme of the Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2011-2030, and the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the Social and Economic Development of the country in 2012-2016, and the National Programme on improvement of villages.

Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan B. Myradov reported on the work done by structural institutions of the banking sector, and the measures taken to improve its work.

Minister of Justice of Turkmenistan B. Muhammedov reported on the measures taken to strengthen and enhance the legislative basis of our country , and bring it in compliance with modern requirements and generally recognized norms of the international law. The Minister also informed the President on the work done to improve the legal support to national programmes.

Other important issues of the state policy life of the country were considered during the meeting. The President of Turkmenistan gave a number of instructions to the relevant officials specifying the areas of their further work.