OREANDA-NEWS. September 05, 2014. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev speaks at a joint session of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

47 deputies of the Senate and 107 deputies of the Majilis attended the joint meeting, that is 100% appearance of elected representative of the people.

"Required quorum is present for start," Majilis speaker Kabibulla Dzhakupov said opening the fourth session of the Parliament of the V convocation.

"I declare open the fourth session of the Parliament," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed to introduce amendments to the law passing competence to the Ministry for the adoption of regulations at the joint session of the Kazakh Parliament.

"The Decree on demarcation among public administration levels has been signed and is being implemented. This makes it possible to cut multistage, duplication of the state apparatus, and a lot of paperwork. The following approaches are based at the heart of this process. Firstly, in the current economic situation, the Government should focus on strategic issues of implementing the main social and economic policy of the country," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
The President said that the ministries should be transferred competence to adopt regulations making different rules, regulations. Currently, all these documents are reviewed by the Government, and up to 50-60 questions are considered at the meetings.

"Each Minister will have to have all the necessary powers in the area of supervised by him and take full responsibility for their decisions, not shifting it to other organs. This requirement is necessary to be legally regulated, and we will have to make the appropriate changes," he said.

It is necessary to adopt the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 before the yearend." The state should create conditions under which it will be impossible to use official powers for personal gain," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Akimats need to be transferred the functions that are performed more effectively at a regional level.  "This is primarily a function of local importance. This is supported by a broad international experience. One function should be defined only by one state agency, there should not be any duplication," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The President noted that the central public organs should monitor so that control and supervision quality of compliance with all local laws would not be affected.

"I believe that it is necessary to expand the range of the local authorities in agricultural area. It is also important to strengthen local government offices in the field of veterinary control - with the transfer of functions of corresponding staff and specialists," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The President also stressed the need to transfer certain functions related to the provision of public services in the field of heat supply to Akims.

"At the same time, the transfer of responsibilities to local authorities - it is not only giving them more authority, it is their new responsibility for organization and achievement of targets," N. Nazarbayev concluded.

"Committees of ministries are provided with the authority to make decisions to ensure the implementation of state policy in the respective industries. Former functions of committees related to centralized control ensuring effective regulation of industries should be given to territorial authorities," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

President noted that the formation of a single market power within the EAEC will start from January 1 2015. Therefore, power systems control should be centralized.