OREANDA-NEWS. September 25, 2014. “We are working on how to pass the winter, to withstand, to reduce our dependence on the Russian gas. And in the following decade I see we will be capable to diversify our sources of gas supplies and Russia won’t have a single chance to blackmail Ukraine ever,” said Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, at the extended Government meeting dedicated to the issues of preparation for the winter period.

He stressed that now “the situation is extremely complicated, but everything necessary to pass the winter will be done by the Government".

The Head of Government has reminded that there have been accumulated about 17 billion cubic meters of gas in the Ukrainian gas storages.

“On conditions of using an emergency plan, provided we don’t buy extra amounts of natural gas from the Russian Federation, as Russia is pressing and will continue to do it, including by using a "gas weapon", we will have to significantly reduce consumption, primarily in the chemical sector, in industry, in order not to afford to freeze the country," he said.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk noted that out of the amount in 25 billion cubic meters of gas, which Ukraine was buying in Russia, 15 billion cubic meters were replaced by gas the Ukrainian side buys from European companies through reverse flows: "This is a significant step forward. But it is not enough".

Another issue that requires attention is increase in natural gas production.

The Prime Minister reminded that the Government has submitted to Parliament two bills to stimulate investment activity in the natural gas production, that “concern firstly the production sharing agreements signed by Ukraine with the Shell and Chevron companies": "Once again I appeal to the Parliament, who blocks these initiatives, to vote for these laws before the election."
Arseniy Yatsenyuk also noted that on September 26 Berlin will host the next round of tripartite talks between the EU, Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the supply of natural gas: "Our position with the European Union is common. We have the package, and we will move in the framework of this package. It is now a question of energy supply of Ukraine, and that of the energy security of Europe and the European Union in whole".

"Russia’s gas blackmail, which affects today all member countries of the European Union, should receive a relevant joint response," said the Prime Minister.

The mutual interest of the EU and Ukraine, according to Arseniy Yatseniuk, is to ensure "fair and transparent" rules of cooperation in the energy market: "We do not ask for any discounts - market conditions".

He noted that he does not expect any forward-looking decisions from the tripartite negotiations between the EU, Ukraine and the Russian Federation "in particular, because of the position of Russia”: "But Ukraine has liberalized its market. We have adopted relevant laws on the access to the Ukrainian gas transportation system. We expect coming of European and American investors."

“We have publicly declared that as the transit country we shall meet our commitments. Now we have no certain obligations to the European partners, as we have no transit deals. Therefore, we address the European partners to stir up signing transit contracts with Ukraine. It would be fair and correspond with the Third Energy Package, in particular,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed.