OREANDA-NEWS. November 12, 2014. WISCO Chairman and Secretary of CPC Deng Qilin hold talks in Shanghai at the invitation of Quebec Prime Minister Mr. Philippe Couillard.

The two sides  exchanged in-depth views on the exploration and utilization of mineral resources, the development in iron and steel industry, the economy situation in China and Quebec. Mr. Couillard sang high praise for WISCO ADI Iron Mine Project and Century Iron Mine Project in Quebec and said those projects would promote governmental and economic exchanges between China and Quebec, so as to consolidate mutual friendship. Mr.Couillard also promised full support and the most preferential policies to WISCO’s project investment and construction in Quebec.

Moreover, Mr. Couillard would visit China on October 26th-31th with his official delegations, who were composed of Quebec local governmental senior officer and 140 representatives from various fields in Quebec such as enterprises, higher education institution and scientific research institution.   

Mr. Couillard first introduced Quebec’s economy development, Plan Nord and future development strategy and economic exchanges with China. He also said, the Canadian government attached great importance to WISCO’s newly- invested iron mine project in Quebec, which was the most important part of Quebec’s Plan Nord.

And then Mr. Deng Qilin gave Mr. Couillard a brief introduction to the project status and hoped the project could stepped onto expeditious and rational development so as to push forward the two countries economic development, guarantee the iron ore supply to WISCO and break the top three iron ore producers’ monopoly on iron ore. Mr. Deng Qilin also hoped the Quebec  government could support WISCO in those aspects such as railway and port construction, water, electricity, wind and gas supply, and  Environmental Impact Assessment process. At the end, Mr. Couillard said they would strongly support the project and provide with the most preferential policies.