OREANDA-NEWS. Therefrom, according to him, the Government has submitted to the Parliament 44 legal acts.

This package of reforms includes, in particular, a draft Budget Code - additional powers to local authorities and additional redistribution of funds to local communities.

Among the bills, draft amendments to the Tax Code - "changing the taxation system, abolishing the number of taxes, enlarging the tax base", Arseniy Yatsenyuk was quoted as saying.

Moreover, the Government offers amendments to the Customs Code targeting to stabilize the balance of payments.

The reform package envisages new principles to tax large business structures. Thus, the Government suggests to adopt the law on transfer pricing and to cancel the agreement on avoidance of double taxation with Cyprus.

In addition, the Prime Minister explained, the Cabinet of Ministers had submitted to the Parliament a number of social bills, “including the reduction of expenses for the maintenance of social funds and optimization of social expenditures that are received by certain persons, but should not be covered from the State Budget".

Arseniy Yatsenyuk informed that the Parliament would be familiarized with the first deregulation package – that is the reduction in number of licenses and permits. The Prime Minister appealed to the MPs to support a number of changes into the legislation concerning deregulation in architectural control area.

The Government submits the drafts on recapitalization of Ukrainian banks, aimed at stabilizing the banking system.

"Separately, the Government insists on legalization of a gambling business and receiving incomes into the State Budget of Ukraine, instead of into the pockets of law enforcement officers and those who exercise control over this business," he highlighted.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk addressed Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman to include in the agenda all the bills submitted by the Government, "to afford to vigorously work with them", "Afterwards the laws will be considered by the Committees and we will actively work on making changes and amendments to these drafts, in case such changes and amendments comply with the general strategy, a shared vision of Budget 2015".

"The Budget can be voted only after you support all previous legislative initiatives, as it was drafted just basing on a new tax basis, on the new fiscal relations, the legalization of shadow income, on de-shadowing business, taxation of large business and new approaches to the social benefits," Arseniy Yatsenyuk explained to the members of the Parliament.

"We'll work as long as it is needed. Let the MPs get familiarized and let them work. The Government is ready to work 24 hours 7 days a week," added the Prime Minister.