OREANDA-NEWS. Moldovan and Romanian Prime Ministers Chiril Gaburici and, respectively, Victor Ponta signed a Memorandum of understanding on implementation of projects necessary to interconnect the Moldova-Romania gas and power networks between the government of the two states. The document was signed during Ponta’s visit to Chisinau today.

„Once the memorandum of understanding signed, premises for Moldova’s integration into the energy market of the European Union are created. The achievement of interconnections on the gas and electricity market does not mean giving up other traditional gas and electric energy suppliers, but ensuring the diversification of these sources and energy security of Moldova. We consider this project a strategically important one for Moldova,” Chiril Gaburici said.

Victor Ponta also reiterated the importance of signing the mentioned memorandum. „Short- and medium-term concrete and achievable projects on energy interconnection are important for 2015. Namely, to always have two gas and power sources, so that you have the possibility to access the better and safer one. Romania has the necessary resources and is able to ensure it. Our energy companies had, in 2014, important profits and we may invest in Moldova,” Ponta said.

The mentioned memorandum stipulates the expanding of the Iasi – Ungheni gas pipeline up to Chisinau on Moldova’s territory and up to Onesti – Romania; as to electricity chapter it provides: the carrying out of the first interconnection to the south Isaccea (Romania) – Vulcanesti – Chisinau. Subsequently, a feasibility study in order to start the second interconnection is to be carried. The selected investment projects will ensure the diversification of gas and power supply sources, as well as the increase of the number of alternate suppliers. In this respect, a cooperation mechanism between the Moldovan and Romanian authorities, as to coordinate the implementation of the interconnection projects and take efforts for EU co-financing, will be set.

The energy interconnection projects between Moldova and Romania (EU) will be implemented in 2015-2018. The budget necessary for their achievement is of about 750 million euros, of which 421 million euros on Moldova’s territory.

The memorandum’s signing fits into the string of measures to ensure the energy security of Moldova, integration into the single European power market and carrying out projects necessary for long-term power supply from Romania to Moldova. The document will also allow fostering the partnership ties in the energy sector of Moldova with Romania and will contribute to implement strategic energy interconnection projects with, both in the electric energy and gas areas.