OREANDA-NEWS. Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) has been unable to reach a positive conclusion in the negotiations with Ramsey Courthouse Limited (RCL) to take over Ramsey Post Office with both parties disappointed with the outcome.

In April, IOMPO agreed in principle to appoint RCL to operate the post office in Ramsey. The appointment was made following due consideration of RCL's submission and business plan and was subject to the agreement of all relevant terms and the signing of the draft contract provided.

IOMPO has been aware that RCL, as a start-up business, supported by community volunteers and business professionals, would require additional support and time to enter into contract. Both parties have dedicated a significant amount of time in supporting this, holding weekly meetings to discuss the plan for the transfer of services and relevant terms of the contract in order for RCL to become the appointed sub postmaster of Ramsey Post Office.

Mr Graham Cregeen MHK, Chairman of Isle of Man Post Office said:
"IOMPO is disappointed with the outcome and regrets the strain this project has had on its staff and the extended period of uncertainty this is causing our staff and customers – a situation IOMPO sought to avoid from the outset."

He continued: "IOMPO remains committed to providing postal services in Ramsey. All post office services will continue as normal and customers will be unaffected. Our staff have continued to provide outstanding service to our customers throughout this whole process and will continue to do so.
Savings still need to be achieved in order to protect and sustain the future profitability of IOMPO and therefore we will advertise as soon as possible to find a new partner to run Ramsey Post Office."

Mr Cregeen further added:
"A key issue when IOMPO's plans were originally announced was the future use of the Courthouse building in Ramsey which is currently leased to the Post Office by the Department of Home Affairs. IOMPO would consider proposals to run postal services in Ramsey Courthouse from future partners or alternatively assist the people of Ramsey in their desire to create a community facility for the north of the Island."