OREANDA-NEWS. The crossing was temporarily closed after a survey by Network Rail revealed nearly 250 incidents of misuse were recorded over a nine-day period in August.

Among the 248 incidents recorded were crossing users wearing headphones or using mobile phones, which could prevent them from hearing an approaching train, groups of youths loitering on the tracks and one young person sitting and lying down on the crossing.

The crossing reopened today (9 September) with a 20mph speed restriction in place – rather than the 50mph limit which was in operation before – while a permanent solution can be found to provide an alternative route across the line.

Mark Killick, area director for Network Rail, said: “We have listened to comments from local people about the crossing and looked at how it could be reopened with a lower level of risk. The speed restriction will provide users with extra time to cross if a train is approaching.

“We are committed to working with the local council and residents to find a permanent solution. In the meantime I urge everyone to always use the crossing in the correct way and not put themselves or others at risk by misusing it.”

Network Rail will look at all available options to provide an alternative way to cross the railway and will provide further information as soon as it is available.