OREANDA-NEWS. National Rating Agency has raised its reliability rating on Savings Management LLC (OOO ‘Savings Management’) to ‘AAA’. The ‘AA+’ reliability rating had been originally assigned on October 21, 2013, and subsequently affirmed at this level on November 25, 2014.

The rating was raised to the highest level of reliability due to significant increase in the amount of assets under management, growth of the equity capital, and stable profitable activities. The company's business has become more diversified in terms of activities and clients. The rating is underpinned by high business reputation, large and successful experience in the Russian stock market, high probability of support from the owners, along with effective management team that has a significant experience in asset management. Balanced investment policy of the company also has a positive impact on the rating.

The rating is constrained by the insufficient diversification by business activities, as well as the significant share in assets under management of a single client – private pension fund.

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