OREANDA-NEWS. On November 4, 2015 delegation of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" headed by president of KTZ Askar Mamin participated in the 63rd meeting of the Council for Rail Transport of the CIS and Baltic countries. 

During the meeting, A. Mamin has held a number of bilateral meetings with the heads of the railway administrations.

During the meeting with the president of JSC "Russian Railways" Oleg Belozerov, were discussed issues of further development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the transport and logistics sector. In particular, were discussed increase of traffic between the two countries and growth of a transit on common transport corridors.

The two sides also outlined ways of further improving the activities of the Joint transport and logistics company (JTLC).

At a meeting with Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of Uzbekistan Elyor Ganiev and Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" Achilbai Ramatov sides discussed the issues of increasing volumes in the field of trade and economic relations. In addition, the sides discussed the issues of creation of favorable tariff conditions for the carriage of goods by rail through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

A. Mamin also took part in a tripartite meeting of Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran. During the meeting with the head of the Ministry of Railway Transport of Turkmenistan Bayram Annameredov and head of the Iranian railways Mohsen Purseid Agai were discussed the issues on increase of the traffic and create a unified tariff conditions for a new railway line Uzen - Bolashak - Gorgan and the North-South corridor.