State: articles for 04.06.2024

04.06.2024, 19:57
Russian President Vladimir Putin will address the problems of international trade and the financial system at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)
04.06.2024, 19:42
In the Teriberka area of the Murmansk region, tourists found a red book humpback whale entangled in nets. This was announced by the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova in her Telegram channel.
04.06.2024, 19:21
The Lithuanian Seimas has launched a mechanism for introducing universal conscription for military service, approving the relevant reform project. This is reported by TASS.
04.06.2024, 19:17
Global warming will make forest fires more widespread and frequent in Russia and around the world. The deterioration of the situation was predicted by Grigory Kuksin
04.06.2024, 19:15
Russia has summed up the results of the spring "Clean Games" ― team competitions for garbage collection and sorting.

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