Культурное наследие

29.11.2019, 11:49
Restoration of the cathedral is expected no earlier than at the end of 2020, said French Minister of Culture Frank Riester
14.11.2019, 12:37
Also on the agenda of the meeting of the parliamentary assembly of Orthodoxy in Athens is the Georgian incident
04.11.2019, 12:02
In Japan, a fire occurred in a village with objects of traditional Gassho Zukuri architecture
26.09.2019, 19:18

Historical value - the gilded sarcophagus of the priest was returned home.

03.09.2019, 20:06
An underground archaeological complex will be created in the Kremlin on the basis of the remains of the foundation of the temple of the Miracle of Michael the Archangel.
27.08.2019, 20:15
The state Russian House of national creativity to them. V. D. Polenov (GRANT) has resumed work on compiling an electronic catalog of intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, which was launched in 2010.
22.08.2019, 21:46
The main building of the Konyushenny Dvor on Millionnaya Street, together with a servant's house on the embankment of the Moika River, was included in the unified state register as an object of cultural heritage of regional significance. 
22.08.2019, 20:54
Sberbank will present Sandro Botticelli's painting "Madonna della Loggia" in his office at the Far Eastern Federal University during the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF), the bank's press service said on Thursday.
08.08.2019, 19:35
A four-meter copy of the Irkutsk monument to Marshal Zhukov was installed in the Mongol regional center of Khalkhin-Gol, according to the website of the government of the Irkutsk region on Thursday.
08.08.2019, 19:18
In the Rostov region found German fortifications from the Second World War.  They found household items, provisions and the remains of ammunition.
08.08.2019, 18:35
The State Russian Museum opens an exhibition of Konstantin Somov, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist.  The exposition will be open in Mikhailovsky Castle from August 8 to November 4.


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