OREANDA-NEWS. On May 22, 2007 a jubilee exhibition "Gas. Oil. Technologies - 2007" opened in Ufa, the capital of the Bashkyrtostan Republic. More than 200 enterprises from the far and near abroad countries participated in the exhibition, reported the press-centre of  OAO TATNEFT.

The richest expositions were presented by ANK "Bashneft" and OAO TATNEFT which intend to celebrate the 75th anniversary from the beginning the development of the oil bearing areas of Bashkyrtostan and production of the three billionth ton of crude oil, respectively.

Rafael Baydavaletov, the Prime Minister of the Bashkyrtostan Republic, as well as Oleg Demin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Ukraine in Russia, and also other officials participated in the opening ceremony.