OREANDA-NEWS. August 16, 2007.  Volume of money transfers via "Pravex-Telegraph" system for 7 months 2007 constituted UAH 3 645 mln. In comparison with analogous period of the last year this indicator increased more than two times.

"With the help of "Pravex-Telegraph" money transfer system clients can perform instant money transfer through vast regional network of the Bank — payment to receiver is possible actually immediately after dispatch which is very comfortable for our clients.

Pravex-Telegraph Service guaranties to clients perfect service, confidentiality, individual approach to each client and the most important — low rates acceptable both to businessman transferring UAH 30000 and pensioner transferring UAH 1000.

Transfer via "Pravex-Telegraph" system can be sent on own name that is very comfortable while moving to another city or while traveling over the country, in this case one shouldn't carry cash, it's sufficient to indicate that sender and receiver is the same person.

In the current year with the help of "Pravex-Telegraph" service about 1 mln. of transactions was performed. It witnesses increasing popularity of this service among population" — commented Roman Valesyuk, Senior Vice-Chairman of the Board of PRAVEX-BANK.