OREANDA-NEWS. November 29, 2007. “Neft Dashlary” OGED has a commitment to increase oil production by 1.5 times, and to bring it from 821 million tons to 1.2 million tons on a commission from the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev confirmed feasibility of this plan, and noted that by 2010 6 platforms would be constructed at “Neft Dashlary” from which 78 wells would be drilled. Thus, all those wells will contribute to the increase of production.

According to him, 2 platforms which allow drilling 48 wells were put into commission. One of them is the five-block platform № 1887 that was put into commission last year. It was projected for drilling of 36 wells. Thus, the annual oil production of “Neft Dashlary” reached 912 million tons. Lately Oil and Gas Construction Trust of SOCAR has completed the construction of the platform № 2387 by demand of “Neft Dashlary” OGED.

The height of the blocks of that two-block platform is 45 meters and the weight is 542 tons. The platform was installed at a depth of 24.5 meters. The blocks were assembled at Baku Deep Water Jacket Plant named after Heydar Aliyev. The diameter of the pipes and the thickness of metal were accounted for 50-year offshore exploitation. The working commission took delivery of the platform and confirmed its operational capability. A three-store building hosting 72 people was also constructed. It was also furnished, spread with carpets and supplied with other household appliances. All engineering communications in the platform are in operation condition. In addition, a helicopter landing platform came into use. 12 wells will be drilled from the new platform at an average depth of 1800 meters. Drilling work will be carried out by “Neft Dashlary” Offshore Drilling Department. The first well will be put into operation by the end of the year.