OREANDA-NEWS. December 13, 2007. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed Sergey Kiriyenko as Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation.
The Corporation has been established by means reorganization of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy (Rosatom). The Corporation controls Atomenergoprom OJSC, nuclear weapons companies, research institutes and nuclear and radiation safety agencies.

The Corporation is supposed to ensure the unity and stability of the nuclear industry of Russia, to guarantee nuclear and radiation safety and to create conditions for the stable and efficient work of the defense sector. The Corporation will also represent Russia in the world in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy and protection of the nonproliferation regime.

The President has also signed a decree on members of the supervisory board of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation.
The following people have been appointed into the Supervisory Board of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation:
S.Sobyanin – Head of Administration of President of Russian Federation (chairman of the Supervisory Board)
A.Belousov – Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation
I.Borovikov – Head of Staff of Military Industry Commission of Government of Russian Federation
A.Bortnikov – Head of Economic Security Service of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation
L.Brychyova – assistant of President of Russian Federation-Head of State Legal Department of President of Russian Federation
V.Verkhovtsev – Head of 12th Chief Department of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation
S. Prikhodko – assistant of President of Russian Federation
I..Shuvalov – assistant of President of Russian Federation
Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Sergey Kiriyenko is member of the Supervisory Board.