OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2008. IBC, being a substantial voice of the business in the Kyrgyz Republic made up of 140 members, the majority of 65% of are Kyrgyz companies and a minority of 35% are foreign-owned Kyrgyz-based companies, in total representing more than 1 billion USD investment; IBC has within the varied membership also 6 honorary members, the ambassadors of Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Turkey, Germany, China, reported the press-centre of IBC.
All IBC members have signed a pledge for transparency, accountability and good corporate citizenship and are therefore obliged to pay their taxes in the frame of Kyrgyz tax laws and regulations and to fulfill their obligations agreed by regulations and contracts of and with the Kyrgyz Republic. 
Main goals of IBC activities are to work in partnership with the government of the Kyrgyz Republic to promote good legislation and efficient business practices and to support its members. In this context, IBC has always welcomed and will continue to support the current economic reform course set up by the Kyrgyz authorities. In doing so IBC experts today works in partnership with the government of the Kyrgyz Republic on many issues affecting economic development with many local and international organizations.
Establishment of such excellent partnership and cooperation with the Kyrgyz authorities including prime ministers, ministers, prominent public figures as guests at our open meetings were due to the readiness of authorities to listen the voice of business represented by IBC members responding to the to highest international standards in good corporate governance, transparency and accountability.
As it happens, some of the reforms introduced by various branches of government have been in a constructive and partnership manner discussed at recent IBC meetings, in order to have more informed, inclusive discussions between government officials, experts and public, resulting in laws that are conducive to the economic development and market economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. And we strongly believe that this is the best way of achieving better business environment in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Therefore we remain open venue for all stakeholders - government, public, experts to continue this constructive and partnership approach.  This includes also that IBC continues to communicate its opinions to government and local authorities.