OREANDA-NEWS. On July 03, 2008 AB Mazeikiu Nafta has been granted the international certificate ISO 14001:2004 for the environmental management system. The above certificate is testimonial of growing social responsibility of the company involving environmental concern and preservation of the environment for future generations, reported the press-centre of Mazeikiu Nafta.

Seeking for the international certificate the company has been implementing a contingent environmental policy.

Environmental protection as the focus of this policy is one of the key elements of harmonious development for AB Mazeikiu Nafta.

The aforementioned policy contains pollution prevention approach – constant monitoring and analysis of the environmental impact and environmental quality, enhancement of the company environmental performance by rational consumption of natural resources, reduction of air, soil, water pollution and waste volumes, complying with applicable legal requirements subject to environmental aspects and with the company obligations.

The environmental management certificate is expected to increase company competitive capacity.  

Customers should treat the company compliance with ISO 14001 requirements as not merely show off in the field of environmental activities. More and more customers give preference to the companies with such systems certified, when ordering products or services. Based on this system the certified company would be able to control its suppliers and mitigate the risk of goodwill spoiling due to negative environmental impact of the suppliers. 

This certificate will increase the company availability for integration to the worldwide or Western Europe market. Furthermore, the calculations show this system to facilitate in reduction of operating costs and environmental cost, increase of business and general management efficiency, as well as to improve working conditions, and reduce accident potential.

Company preparedness to operate under the environmental management standard was evaluated and certified by the independent audit body Bureau Veritas.Lit.