OREANDA-NEWS. 25-30 September Minsk will be hosting ‘A Theatre Week with Belgazprombank’, this year taking place under the ‘Viewing Shakespeare’s Plays’ motto. The best national and foreign companies will show four brilliant plays by the great English play writer, reported the press-centre of Belgazprombank.

Meno Fortas, a legendary Vilnius theatre headed by Eimuntas Nekrosius, will open the festival with Othello. Nekrosius is an outstanding theatre director, owing to whom the Lithuanian metaphoric theatre became the classics of the international dramatic art.

The maestro’s numerous awards include State Prizes of the Lithuanian SSR, USSR and Russian Federation, the ‘Golden Mask’ national award and a prize from the Union of the Theatres of Europe. Meno Fortas drives in full houses in many theatres worldwide. Released in 2001, the theatre’s Othello was premiered at the 49th Venice Biennale. Eventually, Belarusian theatre goers have a chance to see the great Shakespearean tragedy staged by genial Nekrosius – a dazzling performance filled with wonderful images and poetic metaphors – with their own eyes. Othello will be played 26 September at the Central House of Officers.

Another foreign guest of the theatre week is St. Petersburg Vera Komissarzhevskaya Theatre that is bringing A Midsummer Night’s Dream . This play – perhaps, the most joyful of Shakespeare’s comedies – was staged by Bulgarian director Alexander Morfov, a holder of more than twenty international and national theatre prizes including ‘Golden Mask’, ‘Seagull’ and ‘Golden Soffit’.

In Morvof’s interpretation, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a fairy tale about love to theatre. Not to be missed. 30 September at the Central House of Officers.

Belarusian dramatic art will be represented by two Minsk companies – the Yanka Kupala and Maxim Gorky National Academic Theatres.

27 September the Kupala theatre will show the Macbeth tragedy staged by Lithuanian Algirdas Latenas. In this play Latenas placed accents in his own way – shifted the plot line towards Lady Macbeth, cut the text and reduced the cast – all meant to draw attention to the central characters.

The Gorky Theatre is presenting The Taming of the Shrew – a musical staged by Valentina Erenkova. This is a bright and brisk performance with a twisted plot and happy end. The main theme of the musical is taming – carried out, however, not for the sake of the male’s self-affirmation, but for the triumph of a true love. See the musical 28 September.

All performances start at 7 pm. Tickets: +375 29 642 3467, +375 29 119 2256, +375 17 281 7585, +375 17 227 7765.