OREANDA-NEWS. On 24 December 2008 was announced, that association “Airport” CA Committee for technologies and equipment and Committee for ground handling operations conducted a seminar/ panel discussion on December 17-18th on the territory of Moscow International Airport Domodedovo.

The event gathered many representatives of Russian airports, airlines, airport equipment manufacturers.

Opening the discussion that took place in Domodedovo Airhotel, General Director of the Association Viktor Gorbachev commented that Moscow International Airport Domodedovo was chosen as a platform for the discussion as it is, currently, the largest airport in Russia that is developing proactively and constantly implementing new technologies.

Main topics of the discussion: contemporary aircraft service equipment, ramp maintenance and overhaul, specifications of ramp operations during winter season in midland Russia. Among speakers were specialists of Domodedovo Airport as well as invited specialists.

Apart from the theoretical part the program of the event included an excursion to Domodedovo airport and a demonstration of specialized equipment.