OREANDA-NEWS. January 13, 2009. Modern Turkmenistan’s rapid economic development, its profound resource potential and positive endeavours to establish large-scale and fruitful contacts with the world community is in the focus of closer attention of businessmen, economists and financiers from all over the world. That is vividly illustrated by the visit of Daniel D. Stein, Regional Director for Europe and Eurasia at the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) to Turkmenistan on these days.

Mr. Daniel D. Stein led the UN working group on international contracts and authored numerous articles about the legal aspects of international trade. USTDA’s intense interest in developing the relations with Turkmenistan is proved by the fact that it was Mr. Daniel Stein’s sixth visit to our country within two years. The visit agenda included numerous meetings and talks with the high-ranking officials and leading specialists of the national ministries and departments. The focus of these meetings was the further steps to expand fruitful Turkmen-American economic and trade cooperation.

In his interview to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan Mr. Daniel D. Stein said that he was completely satisfied at the results of the visit to Turkmenistan and viewed it as quite fruitful.

The USTDA Regional Director informed that the concrete agreements to develop the contacts in telecommunication industry, in particular to organize the study tours to the United States for Turkmen specialists, had been achieved during the talks. This March the Turkmen specialists of the Ministry of Communication, the Supreme Council for Science and Technology under President of Turkmenistan, Turkmentelekom State Electronic Communication Company and other national departments would study information and communication technologies in the United States, visit the US large communication companies. Mr. Daniel D. Stein said that they were very glad to make possible contribution to the Turkmen leader’s endeavours to develop this very promising sector of modern economy.

Mr. Daniel D. Stein said that many people in the United States associated Turkmenistan’s economy with the fuel and energy sector. He noted that though this priority sector of Turkmen economy was of particular interest to the business circles all over the world as well as in the United States the progressive reforms initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the open door policy, favourable investment climate and financial reform convinced him and his colleagues of the necessity to intensify the economic dialogue in the whole spectrum. Mr. Daniel D. Stein said that the contacts in construction and communication industries were viewed as most promising.

Mr. Daniel D. Stein said that the U.S. Trade and Development Agency attached paramount importance to expansion of fruitful economic contacts with Turkmenistan.

In conclusion Mr. Daniel D. Stein wished the people of Turkmenistan Happy New Year and expressed belief that the new 2009 year would be a landmark on the path of enhancing and fostering the relations between two friendly countries.