OREANDA-NEWS. On 26 January 2009 was announced, that January 23, 2009 Chairman of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Borisov Gryzlov accompanied by chairman of the State Council the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshina visited special economic zone "Alabuga". Purpose of the visit became the acquainting with SEZ "Alabuga" and the discussion of issues related to SEZ development in the Russian Federation.

The head RusSEZ TD for Republic of Tatarstan the Igor Nosov held a presentation of the SEZ "Alabuga", emphasizing, that SEZ "Alabuga" is "unique example cooperations of the state bodies of power of federal and regional levels in realization of major infrastructure projects". Igor Nosov acquainted Gryzlov with development process of industrial, customs and business infrastructure. Farid Mukhametshina, in her turn, noted that "the site managed to highly develop according to all demands for a short time".

Guests were presented the administrative "Single Window" system, combining 16 state agencies, as well as the customs infrastructure objects.

At the end of visit in the SEZ "Alabuga" the State Duma chairman noted that the special economic zones in Russia - one of essential conditions for development of economy, since they attract the new technologies. Particularly Boris Gryzlov isolated the successes in the development SEZ "Alabuga": "Till 2012 will be founded 16 thousand of workplaces . Just now the productivity of labor of enterprises in the "Alabuga" SEZ territory exceeds the corresponding figures of other enterprises in three - four time. The zone is real work and that's mighty good".