OREANDA-NEWS. February 17, 2009. Coordinating Committee for Integration of Scientific-Industrial Capacities of Companies of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation has held enlarged meeting in Ural.

The deputy directors general of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation I.Kamenskikh, A.Lokshin and V.Sofyin, Executive Director of Atomenergoprom OJSC K.Komarov, managers of companies and organizations of the nuclear weapons and nuclear energy complexes, the heads of the administrations of Lesnoy, Snezhinsk, Tryokhgorny and Zarechny closed administrative territorial districts.

The conferees visited the local companies – Ural Electromechanical Plant (Yekaterinburg) and Electrokhimpribor FSUE (Lesnoy) – and familiarized themselves with their technological and industrial capacities.

The managers of UEMZ, Electrokhimpribor, TVEL made reports on the activities of their companies. The conferees discussed ways to more effectively use the scientific and industrial capacities of the companies of the nuclear weapons complex in the field of production of import-substituting equipment for nuclear power plants.

Close cooperation of nuclear companies with local governments is a guarantee of success in the field of diversification of products and enlargement of civil production.