OREANDA-NEWS. On 12 March 2009 Svyazinvest announced a number of new executive appointments.  The following persons were appointed as deputy general directors of Svyazinvest:

•                    Alexei Alexeyevich Lokotkov;

•                    Viktor Dmitrievich Savchenko;

•                    Elena Vladimirovna Umnova;

•                    Nadezhda Valentinovna Filippova.

The range of job duties assigned to Alexei Lokotkov includes economic issues, reports, statistics, business strategy and the tariff policy of the Svyazinvest Group.

Viktor Savchenko will be in charge of legal support for the activities of the Svayzinvest Group, and also corporate governance issues.

Elena Umnova will be concerned with the Group’s financial and budget policy, and also organizing relations with financial and lending institutions.

The powers assigned to Nadezhda Filippova include organizational development and HR management, as well as the expansion of corporate culture.

The general director of Svyazivest Evgeny Yurchenko had the following to say about these new appointments: “The Svyazinvest Group of Companies has set a number of ambitious strategic goals, which need to be resolved in the near future. Today managers have come on board that are well acquainted with the telecom industry and directly with the activities of Svyazinvest.  These are definitely talented and highly qualified managers whose rich experience will help raise efficiency when managing the holding and give new impetus to the Svyazinvest Group of Companies in its aspiration to expand on the Russian telecommunications market”.


Alexei Alexeyevich Lokotkov was born on April 25, 1950 in Moscow.

In 1977 Mr Lokotokov graduated from the correspondence department of the Construction Engineering Institute with a major in Industrial and Civil Engineering.  He is a candidate of technical sciences, and assistant professor.

1975-1980 – senior engineer, head of production division of All-Russian Production, Construction and Assembly Association Rossvyazstroy.

1980-1986 – head of division, deputy head of Main Department of Capital Construction of the Telecommunications Ministry of the USSR.

1986-1990 – Chief engineer of the Construction and Assembly Department of the Telecommunications Ministry of the USSR in the People’s Republic of Mongolia.

1990-1992 – head of the construction and design economics department of Glavmosstroy.

1992-2000 – deputy director/chief accountant of the engineering and technical support department of Service, MGTS.

2000-2003 – first deputy general director of Elektrosvyaz of the Moscow region, first deputy general director of Central Telecommunications Company.

2003-2006 – deputy general director/financial director of CenterTelecom.

2007-2008 – first deputy director of Soyuztelefonstroy.

Honorary wireless operator. Master of Communication. Awarded the medal “In remembrance of 850 Anniversary of Moscow”.

Viktor Dmitrievich Savchenko was born on February 5, 1950 in the village of Velikaya Topol, Klintsovsky district of the Bryansk region.

In 1986 Mr Savchenko graduated from the Moscow State University with a major in jurisprudence.

1986-1991 – people’s magistrate in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.

1991-1993 – deputy chairman of the committee for property management and privatization of the Chekhov district of the Moscow region.

1993-1994 – director of a law firm.

1994-1996 – attorney at Inter-Republic Board of Lawyers under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

1996-2001 – lawyer of international legal firm Clifford Chance (currently called Clifford Chance Pьnder).

2001-2009 – director of legal support department, executive director, head of department of corporate governance and legal support at Svyazinvest.

Member of Management Board of the Association of Russian Lawyers.

Elena Vladimirovna Umnova was born on August 10, 1954 in Saint Petersburg.

In 1976 Ms. Umnova graduated from the Voronezh Institute of Technology with a major in “Economics and Organization of the Machine Engineering Industry”.

1977-1990 – economist, engineer, and head of the sector for enterprises of the national economy.

1990-1999 – economist, head of commercial department, head of economic planning department in the banking sector.

1999-2003 – head of sector for financing and placement of resources, head of division and director of additional branch office, deputy branch manager pf Bank Menatep Saint Petersburg, Voronezh.

2003-2005 – CFO of Svyazinvest.

2005-2007 – head of department of business integration and subsidiary management, deputy director of corporate governance, director of unit for regional development of the corporate center of Comstar United TeleSystems.

2007-2008 – financial director of plant Etalon.

2008-2009 – deputy manager of Tambov Division of Central Black Earth Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

Nadezhda Valentinovna Filippova was born on August 25, 1953 in Moscow.

In 1975 Ms. Filippova graduated from the First Moscow Institute named after I.M. Sechenova. Candidate of Science, assistant professor.

1975-1993 – scientific and teaching activity in the Sechenova Moscow Medical Academy.

1993-1995 – instructor.consultant at the TMI-Russia School of International Management.

1995-1996 – director of development at Lanit.

1996-1997 – senior consultant of ZAO Connect Communications.

1997-2000 – director of East Line teaching center, a state company.

2001-2002 – head of HR at Rusargo.

2002-2006 – executive director/head of HR department, Svyazinvest.

2006-2009 – vice president/head of HR department and corporate governance, senior vice-president, director of HR and corporate development at ZAO VTB24.

In 10 years was ranked among the 20 top HR managers.

In 2005 named best HR manager by Russian Association of Managers.