OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 April 2009 was announced, that on April 23 the IV book trade exhibition “St. Petersburg Book Salon” was opened at “Lenexpo”.

Opening ceremony was visited by Valentina Matvieko, Governor of St. Petersburg, Vadim Tulpanov,Chairman of St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Alexander Condacov, vice-president of the Russian Books Union, famous writer Daniil Granin, and Anton Gubankov, Chairman of St. Petersburg Government Culture Committee.

When giving a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony Valentina Matvienko pointed to the fact that the prestige of this event had grown within years.

It is a true holiday for booklovers. Here in St. Petersburg the foundations of book publishing were laid long ago. The first book shop appeared here at Gostiny Dvor. The masterpieces of classic literature were created in our City. –stressed the Governor. Books are vessels for though travelling on the time waves. I am delighted that new foreign publishing houses are taking part in this salon. The event is loved and visited by many of St. Petersburg citizens. It has become a cultural forum. The Governor also pointed out that City Government supports publishing houses and book shops which work with literature of some social importance. She believes Russia should keep the status of country with the most reading population.

- It is not a random chance that the Books Salon is held in St. Petersburg.- said Vadim Tulpanov, St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Chairman. Here Peter the First started the struggle for the literacy of population. One of the first Russian books “ Unostichestnoye zertsalo” was also published in St. Petersburg. Not long ago our country was considered to be the most reading one. Now we are in the 7 place. It is important to make books cheap and available for everybody.

- Every time when you visit a book fair you are happy when you see new books, published with good taste. – said Daniil Granin at the opening ceremony. The book struggles for existence. It doesn’t want to leave our lives and it will always be a friend for a literate and well-bred person. The book has done a lot and will do more. It will not leave us because it has something which we won’t find in other art genres – intimacy. The Book Salon gives you a chance and pleasure to buy a new book, essential for your soul.

Despite the financial crises we have noticed the growth of educational literature. – said Alexander Condacov, vice-president of the Russian Books Union. Education is the foundation for the country. Now we can announce growth of interest not just in books but in reading culture in general.

- Many Russian people take the book as a friend and a teacher. – said Anton Gubankov, Chairman of St. Petersburg Government Culture Committee. And the events such as this Book Salon fit the charisma of St. Petersburg.

The IV book trade exhibition “St. Petersburg book salon” worked till April 26. 300 publishing houses, polygraph and book trading companies, creative unions from 13 countries tooj part in the event which has already become a tradition

Over 300 events were conducted within 4 days of salon work. Many events were devoted to the 200 anniversary of N.V.Gogol and the announced year of the Youth. The program also included various charity events, new books presentations and meetings with readers, a contest among the students of special (correction) schools “ Equal possibilities – equal rights”.