OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 May 2009 was announced, that 2nd International Agriculture Exhibition will be held on 25.05.2009 — 27.05.2009 in Azerbaijan, Baku, Sport and exhibition complex named by H.Aliev.

The territory of the Azerbaijan Republic makes 86,6 thousand sq. km, of them of 52,3 % - the earths, suitable for agriculture.

Plant growing is one of the basic industrial branches of agriculture.

Azerbaijan completely provides the requirements on the majority of branches of agriculture. Besides, the geographical arrangement of the country allows to export favourably made production not only on the next markets of Russia, Iran, Turkey and Georgia, but also on the world markets. Azerbaijan is one of the basic exporters to Russia agricultural production and products of their processing.

As a result of economic boom in republic, possibilities of banks grow every day, and they have begun active crediting of agrarian sector, means go on financing of projects on processing of agricultural products.

The agroindustrial exhibition Agriculture 2009 is the largest in the Asian region and is held annually with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Azerbaijan Republic, Commercial and industrial Chamber of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Azerbaijan Fund of Encouragement of Export and Investments.

During the exhibition Agriculture 2009 specialised seminars will be held on improvement of agrarian technologies, the equipment and materials. Training trainings on improvement of professional skill will be carried out.