OREANDA-NEWS. On 10 June 2009 was announced, that Belarus’ food concern Belgospischeprom is looking for an investor in the construction of a bioethanol-making plant and a yeast-producing facility, Viktor Krasnyuk with Belgospischeprom said during the Days of German economy in Belarus.

“The most attractive project is the construction of a bio-ethanol facility at Zhabinka sugar refinery. The bioethanol unit will have a capacity of 60,000 tonnes of fuel ethanol annually from cane raw materials,” he said.

Bioethanol will be sold in Belarus and throughout EU. The project requires 58 million euros in foreign direct investment. Annual net profit is projected at 8.4 million euros a year.

Investment in a new yeast-making facility, presumably at the Slootsk sugar refinery, is expected to reach 32 million euros. The new plant will make 20,000 tonnes of yeast annually.