OREANDA-NEWS. On 25 June 2009 Ingosstrakh IJSC was announced winner of the 5th annual public financial award Financial Elite of Russia 2009 in the nomination “Grand Prix: Insurance Company of the Year“.

The solemn award ceremony took place on June 18, 2009 in the House of Receptions  of the Diplomatic Corps of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The award was bestowed upon the best insurance, investment and leasing companies. Among guests of honour there were A. Savatyugin, Head of the Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia; A. Aksakov, President of the “Russia” Association; L. Pepeliayev, Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee for the Financial Market, etc.

Ingosstrakh IJSC wins this award for the fourth year. In terms of prestige and the number of prominent nominees, the award can be granted the status of the Financial Oscar of Russia. For several years now it is awarded to financial and economic companies that have impeccable reputation and are recognised by the public and the state.  

Vladimir Kleimenov, Head of Public Relations Section of Ingosstrakh IJSC, when he was presented the award, said: “Our company has held leading positions in the domestic insurance market for 60 years now. For millions of Russians, it is associated with reliability and strict compliance with its obligations. Even in the difficult times of the world financial crisis Ingosstrakh will continue to provide its clients and partners with high protection of  their financial interests".

Ingosstrakh is the winner of many honorary awards and prizes. In May 2009, Ingosstrakh won the Golden Salamander in the main nomination Insurance Company of 2008 and in the nomination Media-Friendly and Transparent Organization of the Year. In April 2009, Ingosstrakh won the award Financial Olympus 2008.  In April 2008, it won the competition Brand of the Year/EFFIE 2007, in summer - the award Glory of the Nation and the Golden Diploma; in December, it won the national business award  Business Atlas 2008. Ingosstrakh is the only Russian insurer who stays among most valuable Russian brands for the fourth consecutive year. Also, for three years now Ingosstrakh is the winner of Expert - 400 rating in the nomination Information Transparency.