OREANDA-NEWS. July 08, 2009. A meeting of the Port working group of The Tall Ships’ Races Baltic 2009 Steering committee was held  in the Grand hall of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority (J. Janonio street 24), reported the press-centre of Klaipeda Port.
Agenda of the meeting of the Port working group of The Tall Ships’ Races Baltic 2009 Steering committee held  on 22 June,  2009 included the following issues:

1. Updated information on registered sailing ships and yachts.

2. Mooring areas for sailing ships and yachts and mooring diagram.

3. Procedure of the state border control and customs clearance.

4. Possibilities for mooring of sailing ships at pontoon of UAB „Memelio miestas“  (at quay 22) and  quays  under reconstruction -  No. 43 and 44 of AB „Klaipedos laivu remontas“.

5. Procedure of the sailing ships parade and date of completion of the parade schemes.

6. Formation of a group for arrangement of wreath laying ceremony in memory of those who perished at sea.

7. Removal of ferries of AB „Smiltynes perkela“ old ferry station from the Dane River to Northern horn (Siaurinis ragas).

8. Sailing of small boats during the event: mooring areas and  working order.

9. Exemption of sailing ships from the port dues. Pilot services for sailing ships.

10. Tug services for sailing ships.

11. Ship‘s agents services for sailing ships.

12. Ship technical maintenance services (duty boats, etc.).

13. Waste collection from the tall sailing ships.

14. Finish line of the regatta (to be established together with Sail Training International representatives).

15. Start and finish of Curonian Lagoon Regatta during „The Tall Ships‘ Races Baltic 2009“ .

16. Other issues.