OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 July 2009 was announced, that Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Karelia summed up work of the mining complex of Karelia in the first six months. In spite of the fact that salaries in the branch have come 10% down, the average amount still remains quite high – almost 23 thousand roubles a month. On 53 enterprises of the branch there work more than 10 thousand people.

There is slight loss of production caused by the crisis. Thus, production of iron-ore pellets by Karelsky Okatysh, Inc., makes 62% to the level of the last year, or 3,2 million tons. There has been produced 4600 thousand cubic meters, or 94% of road metal and 11 thousand cubic meters, or 98% of block stone in comparison with 2008.

The fact that increase in production has appeared below predicted, is related to, first of all, reduction in demand for road metal, delay of payment for delivered production, absence of regulated market of building materials within the country. Still the branch is retarded by the existing level of railway infrastructure development, backwardness and high expenses for connection to existing electric mains, as well as problems of official land registration for construction of mining enterprises.

However, there is no reason to say that the branch is dwarfed by the crisis. 31 investment projects on extraction of building stone and production of road metal are carried out today in the republic. Investments into the mining complex in the first six months of the year have made about one billion roubles. Thus, in Muezersky region in March, 2009 there have been started up 2 enterprises, 123 working places have been created, investments have made about 500 million roubles.

Realization of more than 200-million-roubles investment project is completed on road metal deposit Lobskoye-5 in Medvezhyegorsk region. Within the scope of the project there has been constructed a new grinding-sorting factory. Carrying out of the project will allow to increase productivity of the enterprise three times and to achieve road metal production volumes of the 5-20 fractionup to 70000 tons a month. This year it will be processed up to 3 million tons of mined rock, and output of various fractions will make about one and a half millions tons.

The fact that the branch is developing even in the context of the crisis is also asserted by increase of budget revenue in comparison with the previous year. In the first six months of 2008 the republican budget revenue has made 5,1 million roubles of royalties, and in the similar period of this year this amount has made already 10,9 million roubles.

Mining industry of the republic has summed up its work in the first six months of the year

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic summed up work of the mining complex of Karelia in the first six months. In spite of the fact that salaries in the branch have come 10% down, the average amount still remains quite high – almost 23 thousand roubles a month. On 53 enterprises of the branch there work more than 10 thousand people.

There is slight loss of production caused by the crisis. Thus, production of iron-ore pellets by Karelsky Okatysh, Inc., makes 62% to the level of the last year, or 3,2 million tons. There has been produced 4600 thousand cubic meters, or 94% of road metal and 11 thousand cubic meters, or 98% of block stone in comparison with 2008.

The fact that increase in production has appeared below predicted, is related to, first of all, reduction in demand for road metal, delay of payment for delivered production, absence of regulated market of building materials within the country. Still the branch is retarded by the existing level of railway infrastructure development, backwardness and high expenses for connection to existing electric mains, as well as problems of official land registration for construction of mining enterprises.

However, there is no reason to say that the branch is dwarfed by the crisis. 31 investment projects on extraction of building stone and production of road metal are carried out today in the republic. Investments into the mining complex in the first six months of the year have made about one billion roubles. Thus, in Muezersky region in March, 2009 there have been started up 2 enterprises, 123 working places have been created, investments have made about 500 million roubles.

Realization of more than 200-million-roubles investment project is completed on road metal deposit Lobskoye-5 in Medvezhyegorsk region. Within the scope of the project there has been constructed a new grinding-sorting factory. Carrying out of the project will allow to increase productivity of the enterprise three times and to achieve road metal production volumes of the 5-20 fractionup to 70000 tons a month. This year it will be processed up to 3 million tons of mined rock, and output of various fractions will make about one and a half millions tons.

The fact that the branch is developing even in the context of the crisis is also asserted by increase of budget revenue in comparison with the previous year. In the first six months of 2008 the republican budget revenue has made 5,1 million roubles of royalties, and in the similar period of this year this amount has made already 10,9 million roubles.