OREANDA-NEWS. On 10 August 2009 was announced, that the II international conference ‘Grain Siberia’ gathered experts on agricultural production, grain trading and grain processing from different countries of the world and many regions of Russia.

The grain market outlook is an important concern for all players as well as independent experts, expecting the new crop harvest in the environment of current agroindustry challenges. Grain processor PAVA became one of the companies representing the interests of the Altay Territory.

Specialists gave the forecast of the crop in the Siberian federal district. Siberia is expected to harvest approximately 16 mln. tons of grain, with the Altay Territory crop pegged at 4.8 mln. tons, which is 1 mln. higher than the last year’s figure.

PAVA negotiated with representatives of several Japanese companies; the talks centered on implementation of two PAVA projects – Russian Agricultural Division (farming operations) and advanced wheat processing. “The Japanese partners have shown interest to invest in development of Russian agriculture, as they face rapidly growing needs for grain cereals. We are confident that PAVA is among the companies who possess the most advantageous combination of industry expertise and access to resources, which creates great co-operation potential”, comments Andrey Igoshin, Chairman of PAVA Board of Directors.

One of the issues discussed at the event was regulation of rail transportation costs for grain and processing products. Experts have stressed the critical role of tariffs in improving international competitiveness of Russian export.