OREANDA-NEWS. August 14, 2009. The Russian delegation was led by Deputy Director General for Nuclear Complex of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation Alexander Lokshin. Among the delegates was First Vice President of Atomstroyexport Alexander Glukhov, reported the press-centre of Minatom. 

The parties coordinated the text of the draft agreement between the governments the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus for joint construction of a nuclear power plant in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

To remind, on May 28 Russia and Belarus signed an inter-governmental agreement for cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy, particularly, on engineering, construction and operation of nuclear power plants, supply of nuclear fuel, nuclear and radiation safety, scientific research, personnel training. The next step will be the signing of an agreement for the construction of an NPP.

On June 17 2009 Head of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko said that the agreement would be signed by the autumn.

The parties have also signed a plan of action for 2009. Representatives of the owner, the general contractor and Russian and Byelorussian designers will meet at St.Petersburg  Atomenergoproekt shortly to discuss the implementation of the feasibility study of the project.

The first nuclear power plant of Belarus will be built on the basis of St.Petersburg Atomenergoproekt’s NPP-2006 project meeting all modern international and national safety requirements. The general contractor of the project is Atomstroytexport CJSC. The capacity of the plant will be 2,400MW. The 1st unit is to be launched in 2016, the 2nd unit – in 2018. The project will be carried out on a turnkey basis.