OREANDA-NEWS. June 18, 2010. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received David Colquhoun, John Deere Vice President Continental Europe and Central Asia, who had arrived in the Turkmen capital to take part in the Turkmen-US business forum. The meeting took place at the Turkmen leader’s residence at the Serdar Hotel.

Thanking the President of Turkmenistan for the opportunity of a personal meeting the businessman expressed gratitude for entrusting the company to collaborate on the joint projects aimed at modernizing the agricultural sector. The guest noted that Turkmenistan aroused intense interest among the US business circles due to the favourable investments climate and large-scale reforms launched in the country.

Greeting the guest, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with satisfaction that John Deere ranked among Turkmenistan’s dependable and long-term partners on deliveries of state-of-the-art agricultural machines. The Turkmen leader said that these machines, in particular John Deere harvesters were actively engaged in the harvest campaign launched in the country that vividly illustrated fruitful bilateral cooperation.

During the meeting Mr. David Colquhoun informed the President of Turkmenistan of the progress in implementing the projects by the company in Turkmenistan and put forward the proposals on further intensification of cooperation on training highly qualified agricultural specialists in particular.

Thanking the leadership of the company for a businesslike, constructive approach to partnership, the national leader expressed satisfaction with the work carried out by John Deere to equip a classroom of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute in Dashoguz and highly evaluated the conditions created for training Turkmen students. Emphasizing that the major aspects of the agricultural reforms included technology modernization of the sector, the Turkmen leader focused on the existing broad prospects for further cooperation in this field.

In conclusion President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his guest expressed belief that long-term cooperation would be developed successfully further on a basis of mutual confidence and benefit.