OREANDA-NEWS. September 2, 2010. Chairman of the Azerbaijani State Customs Committee Aydyn Aliyev and state secretary of the Austrian Ministry of Finance Raynhold Lopatka signed Memorandum of Understanding in sphere of struggle against customs offenses.

The  committee informed, during the  meeting with R. Lopatka A. Aliyev pointed out  that the present volume of goods turnover between two countries reflects not completely real possibilities as there is wide potential for further development of cooperation. R. Lopatka, in his turn, noted that financial and customs spheres are priority for Austria at development of relations with Azerbaijan.

“Austria has wide experience in customs area and is prepared for  mutually profitable exchange of experience. We will cooperate with Azerbaijan, in particular, in use of tracker dogs. Other spheres will be considered as well,”  R. Lopatka said.