OREANDA-NEWS. October 21, 2010. MICEX share quotes and Indexes values are now available for the more than 20 million monthly visitors to Yahoo!Finance – one of the world’s leading financial portals, whose quotes are used in the STOCKS application for mobile devices on the iOs base.

Users of Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, worldwide, have the capacity to access live MICEX quotes and index figures and information from major global stock exchanges, at any time and in nearly any location.

MICEX is paying special attention to making its quotation flows available through major global financial portals and quotation information vendors. MICEX President, Ruben Aganbegyan, says the move is a key part of the MICEX strategy to promote both Russia as a global financial centre, and the MICEX as the exchange platform for more than three quarters of all Russian market trading.

“In the near future the data from our stock exchange will become available through a number of other sources around the world. I believe this will play a major role in promoting awareness of Russia as a financial centre, as well as increasing awareness of the major role the MICEX plays”.