OREANDA-NEWS. November 11, 2010. By Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Managing Board decision on KASE open trades on selling of state block of shares (SBS) of Nurbank (Almaty), reported the press-centre of KASE.

SBS shall be offered for selling as a single lot of 25,652 preferred shares KZ1P33110118 of Nurbank under code NZ_NRBNp6.

Trades shall be executed by the continuous counter auction method from November 8 to December 30, 2010.

The guaranteed fee is KZT40,070,441.00.

Trades initiator - the Committee on State Property and Privatization.

Authorized sales broker - the company CAIFC (Almaty).

SBS must be quoted by buyers in Kazakhstan tenge per a block share accurate within the second decimal.                                                   

The trades order is regulated by the KASE internal document "Regulations on Trading Methods", available on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/methods_eng.pdf

Settlements by trades results will be made in compliance with article 7 of the KASE internal document "State Blocks of Shares. Order of Admittance to Sale on Trades and Settlements based on Trades Results", available on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/gpa_eng.pdf

According to this document a deal amount, excluding the KASE commission and previously transferred guarantee fee (that before trades is entered by a potential buyer to a correspondent account), must be entered by a SBS buyer to the correspondent account in Central Securities Depository (Almaty) account during seven working days from the day of its conclusion.

Applications to participate in trades can be submitted only by KASE stock market category members. Investors may apply through these legal entities. The full list of such members is available on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/en/membership

Preferred shares KZ1P33110118 (NRBNp6) of Nurbank are included to the KASE official list first category.