OREANDA-NEWS. November 15, 2010. Belarus plans to transform over 500 state-run enterprises into open joint-stock companies in 2011-2013 and privatize about 300, First Deputy Director of the State Property Fund with the State Property Committee, Petr Lukyanov, told.

“Next year marks the beginning of a new three-year plan. We have prepared projects to issue shares of over 500 state-run enterprises and privatize about 300 enterprises. The documents have been submitted to the government,” he said.

He said the privatization plan included large Belarusian state-run enterprises, such as Minsk Tractor Plant, however, “details will be available as soon as the document has been approved, as there might be adjustments.”

Lukyanov said Belarusian Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky was expected to meet with Chair of the State Property Committee Georgy Kuznetsov to discuss the draft project.