OREANDA-NEWS. February 22, 2011. NC “KazMunayGas” and “KAZENERGY” Association held another open chemistry lesson in Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum in Astana.

As previously reported, in September, c. y. a training room was opened for the lyceum pupils by “KazMunayGas” and “KAZENERGY”, for which special sets of chemicals and information boards have been purchased. “KazMunayGas” specialists and oil and gas analysts give lectures there.

As part actions aimed at implementation of the Message of the Head of State “Let’s Build Future Together!” concerning the state language development the organizers presented the student of the Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum orthographic Kazakh language dictionaries.

The first lesson in 2011 in the in the specialized classroom was conducted by Olzhas Baidildinov, analyst of PF “Return on Investment Research Agency”, who gave a lecture on economical, technological and environmental aspects of offshore oil production and touched on the problem of the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum is a high-grade educational institution, founded in accordance with the international educational standards. Education there is provided in four languages: Kazakh, English, Turkish and Russian. The Lyceum graduates continue their education in universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Britain, Turkey, China and Poland. Special attention here is paid to the subjects of natural sciences, including chemistry.

At the end of the event the students have got memo prices from the organizers – calendars and art-panels.