OREANDA-NEWS. November 17, 2011. President Viktor Yanukovych assesses the current economic situation as stable and giving reasons to speak about the prospect of further improvement, he said at a meeting with candidates for district state administrations chairmen. "The situation in the economy of our country gives us some optimism," Viktor Yanukovych said.

He reminded that Ukraine's economy has been exhibiting growth tendencies for the last two years. "Last year, we had the growth rate of 8.9%, in ten months of this year it was 4.2%. It is hard to predict, how will November and December turn out, but we do not expect high inflation. It will be at a seasonal level," he said.

He also drew attention to the reduction of 2011 budget deficit from 5.5%, as predicted last year, to 3.5%.

The President pointed to the fact that recently, Ukraine has managed to significantly increase trade turnover with its key partners in the world. "We have made economic orientation a foundation of our foreign policy and gave her a name – national pragmatism. We are looking for common grounds with our partners to defend our national interests," he said.

However, Viktor Yanukovych stated, Ukraine, like other states, still has problems with the global economic crisis that is not yet over in the world.