OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2012. In the year 2011, some settlements in Lazo district of Khabarovsk Region were drowned. The question of the reasons of this situation of the flood rise was discussed during the meeting of Departments of Natural Resources and Fuel and Energy Complex of the apparatus of an authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East Region a year on, on May 3, 2012. In the course of the meeting, an idea was sounded that the course of the flood rise in the previous year was execution of building works on objects of ESPO-2 pipeline system by contractors of TRANSNEFT JSC affiliates – Far East Building Directorate Ltd. In particular it was mentioned that during the building works, passages through roads were narrowed, and uncleared woodwaste reasoned blocks in rivers. So, that caused the total rising of water level and drowning of some settlements.

In this regard, we believe it vital to inform that the management of the Federal Service for supervision of Natural Resources Usage in the Far East signed decree No.634 dated July 06, 2011 on appointment of a commission for examination of conformity of the works executed and of applied constructional materials to the requirements of technical regulations, including fire, ecology, and sanitary safety; and also examination of possible crossing of ESPO-2 pipeline with water crossings in Lazo district of Khabarovsk Region (Kiya river and Khor river with branches). In the period since July 14, 2011 to July 20, 2011, an examination was made with the purpose to find out the reasons of the flood rise at the above-mentioned territory. As the result of this examination, Statement No. 05-27-09-189-10 dated July 20, 2011 was made (it is attached herewith).

According to the results of the examination (the reference is attached), it was found out that according to the  project documentation, there were not built any passages at the territory of Lazo district, but the existing road system was used. Construction and installation works at this area were have already been done by the period mentioned, and hydrotestings were being made. No violations of applicable water legislative requirements of the Russian Federation, no violations of requirements of production and consumption waste management, no violations in the sphere of atmosphere air protection at ESPO-2 objects were detected (the reference is attached).

According to the above mentioned material, the inspection stated that the building of the linear part of the pipeline in Lazo district of Khabarovsk Region is not the cause of the negative environment of the flood rise at this very area in the year 2011.


Inspection Act No. 05-27-09-189-10 on building, reconstruction, complete overhaul of an object of capital construction.

Reference on results of participation at the planned field examination of an object of ESPO-2 capital construction, carried out by the Far East department of the Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical, and Nuclear Supervision according to Decree No. 634 dated July 06, 2011.

Reference on results of participation in examination of an object of ESPO-2 capital construction by the commission of the Far East department of the Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical, and Nuclear Supervision.