OREANDA-NEWS. February 21, 2013. A press conference on goals and tasks of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatisation, de-monopolisation and competition development, established in accordance with the decree of President Islam Karimov dated 13 November 2012, was held at the National Press Centre.

Competition between enterprises influences improvement of the system of internal organisation of production management, technical re-equipment, compels manufacturers to follow the latest scientific and technical innovations and to produce high-quality products. This will, in its turn, serve as a forceful stimulus for economic and scientific-technical  progress. The deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatization, de-monopolisation and development of competition S.Gaffarov highlighted that effective measures to develop competition in the economy as a whole are being undertaken in the country.

The new committee is tasked with further deepening processes of privatisation of state property and enhancing private property as the basis of market economy, increasing the efficiency of the antitrust regulation and formation of real competitive environment, accelerated development of exchange markets, especially of the secondary one, as well as radical improvement of corporate management.

As was noted at the press conference, the head of state has tasked the new agency with developing and adopting systemic measures to deepen privatisation processes, realise into private property of the state-owned assets and shares in the authorised capital of business entities, introduce new forms and methods of divestiture, ensure openness and transparency of realisation of state property to private proprietors, monitor implementation of commitments made by investors at the time of privatization.

Within the framework of executing the decree of President Islam Karimov “On program of privatisation of state property for 2012-2013” dated from 25 April 2012 194 state assets were estimated, 96 of which are put up for public auction and 26 have been sold.

The results of the works carried out in 2012 in implementing the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures on efficient use and management of state property” from 31 May 2012 were summed up. The list of 1186 social infrastructure assets was approved, measures to ensure their rational use were defined. 441 state properties were transferred to local authorities, and bidding conditions for 65 objects were approved.

Aiming to develop competitive environment, the committee will carry on studying the commodity and financial markets, detect and deter anti-competitive actions, ensure equal conditions at the public auctions and access of enterpreneurs to highly liquid products through exchange trading, as well as to regulate the activity of natural monopolies, protect the rights of consumers.