OREANDA-NEWS. March 04, 2013. The management board of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) during a public meeting today approved a 385.45-lei-tarrif for one thousand cubic meters for the gas distribution service provided by the “Chisinau-gaz” company.

The newly-approved tariff is 111.64 lei or 22.4 per cent less than the tariff required by the gas distributor. The distributor asked for a 497.09-lei-tariff for one thousand cubic meters. However, the ANRE excluded 83.3 million lei from the income the enterprise required to include in the tariff for 2013.

According to ANRE experts, the “Chisinau-gaz” gas provider did not take into account the provisions of the current tariff methodology when determining the consumption and spending.

The cost of the technological consumption was reduced by 34.4 million lei, whereas only a 12.2-million-cubic meters-loss was accepted against the 18.8 millions required by the gas distributor. The losses were the highest point of disagreement between the contractors. According to representatives of the “Chisinau-gaz” company, the rejection of all the losses could bankrupt the company. The ANRE said the tariff was approved in strict compliance with the calculation methodology, whereas the enterprise should take increased efforts to reduce the losses.

The “Chisinau-gaz” company is the only national gas distribution network that provides over 100 000 final consumers with natural gas. According to the law on natural gas, the company would have to separate its distribution and supply activities legally and functionally starting with 2013. The enterprise would be only allowed to distribute natural gas starting with 2013.

The general director of the ANRE, Victor Parlicov, said the distribution tariff would not affect the final tariff, which was included in the invoices, as it was still an “internal” tariff, which was related to the relation between the provider (Moldovagaz) and the distributor (Chisinau-gaz).

This separation is necessary to create a competitive market in the future. Alternative providers that could possibly appear on the market, must know the cost of the distribution service,” Parlicov said.

Experts took in consideration a medium distribution and supply service amounting to 559.92 lei when establishing the current 5666-lei- medium gas providing tariff for a thousand cubic meters to final consumers.