OREANDA-NEWS. A delegation from Rosatom State Corporation headed by Sergey Kirienko, its CEO visited NPO Saturn.

During the visit the delegation met with Ilya Fedorov, NPO Saturn chief executive officer, chairman of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Russian union of mechanical engineers.

The representatives of Rosatom attended a joint meeting and were demonstrated the NPO Saturn research and development bureau which is actively using the modern methods of computational and experimental studies.

In particular, as part of the SaM146 engine development program, NPO Saturn applied some state-of-the-art design techniques originally devised by Rosatom, including a fan blade-out phenomenon simulation tool. Over the last 3-4 years the companies within Rosatom managed to develop a unique engineering analyses software which can rival in performance with the best foreign analogs. NPO Saturn being one of the developers of this software is now using its codes in designing its prospective engines, such as the PD-14 and second design stage of the PAK FA (prospective frontline aviation complex).

According to Yuriy Shmotin, NPO Saturn general designer, “the innovative approach exercised by the Rosatom companies during the development of the modern Russian software allows to significantly decrease the design lead times and increase the design level of quality when it comes to the development of the prospective gas turbine engines and their components.”

During the meeting, the visitors also learned the history of the serial and development production of the Rybinsk company; the parties also exchanged on their respective Lean events implementation.

Summarizing the results of the visit, Sergey Kirienko spoke of his impressions. “I had heard a lot about Saturn but this is my first personal visit here, and frankly speaking I am more than just impressed, - confided the head of Rosatom. - The rich history of the company commands a lot of respect and the fact that Saturn has managed to safeguard and multiply its competences is already a great achievement. Today we saw new production lines which were engineered in less than a year, and I'm talking about the lines which don't exist anywhere else in the world. I was also pleasantly surprised by the average age of Saturn's managers, they are very young, and the speed at which the company is mastering the new, modern technologies is also very impressive. In my opinion, these are the most important indicators of viability and competitiveness of a company.

Saturn is perceived by the Rosatom companies as a demanding and interesting customer, a company which is dynamically developing. We are excited to work with them and today it was my pleasure indeed to see a whole array of world-class products that have materialized due to the common effort of Roasatom and Saturn.

NPO Saturn Research and Production Association (OJSC) is an engine-building company specialized in the design and development, production and after-market support of gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation, Navy boats and power-generating plants and gas-pumping units. NPO Saturn is part of the United Engine Corporation.

The United Engine Corporation (OJSC) is a subsidiary of OBORONPROM UIC (OJSC). The UEC structure integrates over 85% of Russia's leading companies specialized in the design and development, serial production and after-market support of gas turbine machinery, as well as the key enterprises - the industry's integral players. One of the UEC's prioritized fields of activity is the implementation of comprehensive programs of development of the companies in the industry by introducing the world-class new technologies.

OBORONPROM United Industrial Corporation (OJSC) is a multi-field machine-building group created in 2002. It is part of Rostec. The main fields of activity are helicopter building (the Russian Helicopters holding), engine building (the UEC holding) and other assets.

Rostekhnologii State Corporation (Rostec) is a Russian corporation established in 2007 in order to facilitate the development, manufacturing and export of high-technology industrial products of military and civil purposes. Today it comprises over 663 companies, which form 8 military-industrial and 5 civil industry holdings. Rostec's subsidiaries are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply their products to over 70 countries worldwide. In 2012 revenues of the Corporation amounted to RUB 931 billion, net profits were RUB 38.5 billion and total taxation exceeded RUB 109 billion.