OREANDA-NEWS.  November 11, 2013. The Government and international experts have identified intellectual wealth in high-tech and information technology and unique potential of agriculture as undeniable competitive advantages of Ukraine. This was started by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at the Cabinet’s meeting, summarizing the regional meeting of the World Economic Forum the Strategic Dialogue for the Future of Ukraine held in Kyiv.

“A vision of what should be the drivers of economic growth and what does hinder progress is the same in the leading economic analysts and our government. So, clear competitive advantages of Ukraine as experts as our government consider such intellectual wealth in high-tech and information technologies and the unique potential of agriculture,” Mykola Azarov said, adding that the extremely high opinion about Ukrainian programmers had President of the Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe region Don Grantham.

The Prime Minister said that the demand for intelligence, technology and food in the unanimous opinion of the world's leading leaders will be long-term conductors of the development of the world economy.

However, according to Mykola Azarov, barriers to rapid economic growth in Ukraine as experts as the Government consider the dictate of monopolies, lack of property rights, undue administrative interference in business and corruption.

"Actually, at the last meeting of the Government, we identified the elimination of those barriers as a key institutional factor of the economy," the Prime Minister said.