OREANDA-NEWS. OJSC KAMAZ (a member of State Corporation Rostec) ranks 52nd among the top 100 largest Russian companies in terms of reporting quality and corporate transparency.
Experts gave KAMAZ 41.25 of 100 possible points. The research covering domestic companies from 24 sectors was conducted by Russian Regional Integrated Reporting Network (RRN). The purpose was to thoroughly analyze the largest Russian companies’ reporting and assess their transparency to improve the quality of corporate reporting, on top of everything else. The researchers studied annual accounts of the Russian companies in open information sources and other statements published on official sites of the companies. It is planned that similar studies will be held on a yearly basis.
Russian Regional Integrated Reporting Network (established in August 2012 on the initiative of State Corporation Rosatom and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Regional networks are created in ten regions of the world (Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, the Republic of South Africa, Great Britain, Turkey, the USA, Scandinavia, Brazil, Japan) and are grounds for all interested parties and organizations to communicate openly. The networks are aimed at promoting integrated reporting and maintaining the quality of reporting in different countries.