OREANDA-NEWS. Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) announces results of trades on the derivatives market on December 22 to 26, 2014.


                                                      as at trade closing


                                  settlement price           best         

                             ------------------- --------------         

                         Deals                                    number of

Code of       ----------------               price                     open

contract      qnty.   volume     value     trend     bid  ask positions

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

F_USDKZT1503      0        0    185.89     +0.09         –  –         0

F_USDKZT1506      0        0    189.91     +0.24         –  –         0

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

Total             0          0                                            0

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

F_INKASE1503      0        0    999.20    +71.50         –  –         0

F_INKASE1506      0        0  1,021.50    +73.20         –  –         0

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

Total             0          0                                            0

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

F_GB_KZMS1503    174,500,880    714.00    +15.50  606.60    –       120

F_GB_KZMS1506     0        0    729.90    +15.80         –  –         0

F_HSBK1503       23 10,691,603     43.70   +6.50     35.00    –       0

F_HSBK1506        0          0   44.70     +6.60         –  –         0

F_KCEL1503        0          01,887.40   +176.40         –  –         0

F_KCEL1506        0          01,929.50   +180.30         –  –         0

F_KZTO1503        53,540,675    896.90    +48.60  790.00    –       320

F_KZTO1506        0          0  916.90    +49.70         –  –         0

F_RDGZ1503       34 33,782,341 14,950.00    -47.70 14,950.00    –       0

F_RDGZ1506        0          0 16,840.40 +1,508.30         0  –         0

------------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---- ---------

Total            79 52,515,499                                          440


Notes to table: All volumes are quoted in contracts. Price trends are quoted relative to the previous trading day. The volume of open positions for purchase (or selling, since they are equal) is indicated.

Information on the exchange derivatives market is available on KASE website via menu [Markets] – [Derivatives], in the Internet – at link http://www.kase.kz/en/fut The list of members of KASE derivatives market is published on KASE website, at http://www.kase.kz/en/membership